Opera 11 - The PHP session bug

An annoying “feature” with the latest version of the Opera browser (11.01) is its buggy session handling.

For some reason a new session file gets placed on the server on each page refresh. These new session files are completely blank and does not affect your initial session. They do however produce unnecessarily clutter on the server. Nor do these new session files honor the PHP session_save_path directive, which I find confusing.

Opera session bug

0 byte session files generated by Opera.

Whether this faulty session handling is platform specific or not is unknown to me.

Affected Oprea version:
Version: 11.01
Build: 1190
Platform: Linux
System x86_64,

Server software:
PHP Version 5.1.6
Apache 2.2.3
Kernel 2.6.18

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Roger Comply
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