Depending on iconv -t ascii//translit on Red Hat was a mistake
I recently re-learned that moving code from one Linux distribution to another doesn’t always pan out as expected. Especially when that second distribution is Red Hat Enterprise Linux.
I recently re-learned that moving code from one Linux distribution to another doesn’t always pan out as expected. Especially when that second distribution is Red Hat Enterprise Linux.
To start the weekend off with a bang my Apache webserver failed to revive after the log rotation service had issued a restart. I’m hosting this website on a Raspberry Pi 3 so my first concern is always memory card corruption and data loss. Thankfully those fears turned out to be unfounded, but what actually went down?
From the httpd error_log:
I decided I wanted to host my WordPress installation as a hidden service on Tor instead of backporting all my existing content to Hugo. I previously ran Hugo on my onion site and even though I still want to make that move eventually, for now, I’m sticking with what I already know. Besides, putting arguably the worst content management system ever invented on the dark web seemed like a fun venture.
Lately I’ve noticed a steady increase in the amount of referrer spam I’m getting, so I decided to see if there was a simple way to trap and ban these bots. The typical approach is usually to maintain a blacklist of domain names and deny them using mod_rewrite rules. The downside to this approach is the amount of time and effort that goes into maintaining your blacklist.
I recently bought a new Raspberry Pi 3 and installed Slackware ARM current (hard float) on it. My goal was to compare the performance of the hard float port against Slackware ARM 14.2 (soft float), which is currently powering this RPi3 hosted website.
That tag “stuff” is not working on our corporate website, please fix asap the costumer complained. Sure, will do immediately I replied confidently, believing this to be a simple matter of purging some old cache or refreshing permalinks. Sadly that was not to be the case so I ended up having to get my hands dirty. To my absolute horror, the site was running one of those godawful themeforest themes.
With the latest Red Hat release I experienced an issue with increasing the screen resolution above 1027×768. After checking out the VirtualBox forums, I found my answer and a solution to the issue.
Looking through my server logs I noticed how Baidu’s web spider was causing an unexpected redirect loop while trying to index an image attachment page. Since I deliberately redirect all attachment page requests to the actual post owning the attachment, I decided to take a closer look. The following request triggered the loop:
I was recently surprised to discover that I could no longer manage my posts (invalid post type) or modify any of my installed plugins (sorry, you are not allowed to access this page). I’ve been exposed to these kind of problems before, both through database corruption and by my own hand so to speak. However, this time around everything checked out so I enabled debugging to track down the error.
Microsoft bingbot is a repeat offender on my RPi and as a consequence it’s subjected to extended periods of jail time. However, being a good netizen I like to provide an even playing field for all web crawlers. With that in mind, what would be the easiest way of purging all IP addresses from fail2ban?