According to Jim

The best dark, gory and violent anime series of 2019

I figured there are already too many mediocre tech blogs on the Internet, so from here on out I’ll embrace my true passion instead. Well, anime blogging is over-saturated as well, so my niche will be the sick and depraved side of anime. Thankfully, there are plenty of riches to choose from.

Content warning: The following post contains violent imagery and descriptions and absolutely no mention of Fruits Basket.

The Brave Browser – And BAT's all she wrote

My interest in the Brave browser originated from my affection for cryptocurrencies, but I also believed in the Basic Attention Token’s potential as a digital payment platform. Lately, my experiences with the Brave browser and, by proxy, Brave Software, have changed my mind.

Self-hosting email in 2020 – Joe Nobody vs. World

I recently moved my self-hosted email service from Scaleway to DigitalOcean. After receiving a new IP address for my mail server, I’m effectively once again the new kid on the block. Let’s find out if the big kids are willing to talk with me if I play nice and put on my best behavior.

.ICU TLD spammers move to the .XYZ TLD

After noticing that the majority of the .ICU spam campaigns were drying up, I headed over to Namecheap to find out which gTLD was the next likely target for abuse. Well, what do you know, Namecheap was throwing out .XYZ domains for 1$ a pop.

The Brave Browser - A lion in sheep's clothing?

The Brave Browser is on a mission to fix the web and has been gathering a lot of praise and attention from tech and crypto enthusiasts alike. Brave will diligently protect your privacy by removing intrusive ads and trackers from websites while offering you to view ads delivered through their advertising platform instead.

Migrating from WordPress to Hugo

In preparation for my move from WordPress to Hugo, I read a few blog posts on the subject to make sure I wouldn’t run into a brick wall. After all, Google had already indexed over 3000 posts covering the subject in detail so what could possibly go wrong?

Everything's bigger in Texas

I was spending an evening window shopping for a future BSD hosting provider when I came across ARP Networks and its list of VPS plans. What caught my attention was not the technical specifications, but rather the naming scheme that I found to be simply astounding.

Email service providers should kill off the bitcoin extortion scam

Like everyone else with an email address, I’ve been receiving these bitcoin extortion messages for months. I’ve also observed with ever greater dissatisfaction as scammers raked in tens of bitcoins within a week. What especially annoys me is not so much that people are falling for this scam, but that email service providers are simply looking the other way.