How to add and modify POP or IMAP accounts with Outlook Office 365

Why on earth would there ever be a need to write such an article one might ask? Well, the current Outlook Office 365 version had me puzzled as I was unable to manually configure an IMAP account according to my preferences. Apparently, “set up your account manually” now translates to let Outlook autoconfigure the account.

Gentoo - New slot for PHP 7.2 on amd64

PHP 7.2 just went stable on amd64 providing me with an opportunity to finally migrate away from PHP 7.0. Unlike the PHP 7.1 releases, PHP 7.2 offers significant performance improvements.

Welcome to my new v3 onion

Gentoo recently marked Tor as stable on amd64 so without further ado I’m launching my v3 onion. This hidden service is available at the following 56 bit long address: 4hpfzoj3tgyp2w7sbe3gnmphqiqpxwwyijyvotamrvojl7pkra7z7byd.onion

How long does it take before Google starts de-indexing your pages on server failure

I recently got the opportunity to discover how long Google would keep showing my content on the search engine result pages when my web server was unavailable. Predictably, I only had a short window of time before my content got removed. And the first content to go was my top ranking pages.

Last month I was managing some DNS records and accidentally wiped the A-record for, making this blog effectively unavailable. I noticed the issue but thought it would be interesting to see how much time Google would grant me before starting to de-index my pages. Entering the unknown, I proceeded to delete the remaining sub domains from my DNS to remove any trace of life.

DKIM fail – Invalid public key

So I had just implemented DomainKeys Identified Mail (DKIM) on a Postfix server and was confident that the signing process was correct, but on testing, the recipient’s SMTP server insisted that the message had failed authentication due to an invalid public key.

From Google Play to F-Droid

I have previously postponed the removal of my Google account from my Android phone as I expected it to be a troublesome and tedious process. However, last week I spent a day removing apps installed through Google Play and replaced them with free and open-source software alternatives as provided by F-Droid.

Validating HTTP requests using Apache's THE_REQUEST variable

I’m currently experimenting with a few rule conditions to explicitly whitelist the resources I want clients to be able to retrieve on my server. The initial target for this exercise was my onion site which has an issue with misbehaving (poorly written) Tor bots, but I thought it would be fun to extend the experiment to

Hakaied with love from Telecom Egypt

In the last two weeks I’ve seen a steady increase of bots trying to exploit a remote command execution flaw on D-Link routers. The majority of the attacks are originating from IP blocks belonging to Telecom Egypt Data.

What does the future hold for Slackware Linux?

Shortly following the distribution’s 25th year anniversary, Slackware maintainer Patrick Volkerding has shared some insight into his current financial situation and the issues he’s facing due to a lack of revenue from the Slackware store. According to Volkerding, the store has not forwarded any founds from sales or donations for the past two years.

GuixSD review - The herdless GNU

At the end of last year, I decided to install an interesting looking operating system named GuixSD. This was to be my first experience of running a system consisting entirely of free software. Unfortunately, the absence of non-free firmware also meant that I in 2018 would be giving up on wireless internet.