BlueOnyx 5107R - make_sock: could not bind to address

Recently, I became aware that Apache’s access and error_log on a BlueOnyx 5107R server were both zero byte files. Restarting Apache to correct the issue resulted in the following error message:

(98) Address already in use: make_sock: could not bind to address
no listening sockets available, shutting down
Unable to open logs

Fixing the issue was a simple matter of issuing the following commands:

killall -9 httpd
service httpd start

It seems that during logrotate, Apache was not able to get new file handles to write to the new log files.

Arch Linux - Failed to start Verify integrity of password and group files

The shadow.service unit reported that it had failed and threw the following error message: “user ‘colord’: directory ‘/var/lib/colord’ does not exist”. I had no recollection of housing such a user, but by issuing the command below there was hard proof (image to the right) that colord was indeed a homeless user on my system, and her home was supposed to have been /var/lib/colord.

How to reverse a shortened URL with a single command on GNU/Linux

Remember that old saying: if you don’t know the source, don’t click it? With all these new URL shortening services, that advice seems to have been thrown out the window. As a result, evildoers are embracing the technology to disguise their malware sites behind shortened URLs.

This is obviously effective as an URL like hxxps:// would have a much easier time getting past your spamfilter than say something like hxxp://h4x0r.tld/inject.aspx

Slackware ARM on the Raspberry Pi 2- 38 days later

Excited by the prospect of hosting my blog on the new Raspberry Pi 2, I decided lately to wave goodbye to the local datacenter and unleash a Slackware Linux box into the wild (full story here).

Everything went (mostly) without a hitch until I wanted to get back in sync with the Slackware-current tree. After applying the available updates and issuing a reboot, the system seemed operational and nothing from the logs gave any indication of imminent failure.

WordPress on Raspberry Pi 2 running Slackware ARM

Two weeks ago, I decided to move this blog from its old hosting and deploy it on a Raspberry Pi 2. The geek in me could no longer resist the urge to discover if a $35 worth computer could replace the need for commercial hosting. Besides, what a great opportunity to finally get my hands on Slackware’s official ARM port.

RPi2 setup:

Raspberry Pi 2 Model B
Raspberry Pi 2 Micro USB Power Cable 1.2A
MicroSDHC Ultra UHS-I 32GB

LAMP setup:

Slackware ARM current
Package series: a, ap, d, l, k, n (and a few from “x”).
Apache 2.4.12 (rebuilt)
MariaDB 5.5.40 (rebuilt)
PHP 5.4.40 with mod_proxy_fcgi and php-fpm (rebuilt)

Non stock packages:
Modsecurity 2.9.0
Fail2ban 0.9.1

Why use Slackware and not a hard float port?

A hardware floating-point unit you say, well I’d never heard of it.

VMware Player - Taking ownership of this virtual machine failed

After Windows 8.1 had performed an unscheduled reboot, I was greeted with the following error message when trying to start up a virtual machine in VMware Player:

This virtual machine appears to be in use.
If this virtual machine is not in use, press the “Take Ownership” button to obtain ownership of it. Otherwise, press the “Cancel” button to avoid damaging it.

VMware Player - Take ownership of Virtual Machine

VMware Player- Taking ownership failed.

Kane & Lynch: Dead Men - xlive.dll is missing from your computer

Trying to start the game Kane & Lynch: Dead Men from the Steam client on a default Windows 8.1 installation will not work. Furthermore, you’ll get no error message other than the obvious lack of the gameplay.

Kane and Lynch

Games for Windows Live- Kane & Lynch: Dead Men running on Steam.

As usual with these kinds of errors, a good starting point is to locate the actual game folder. From Steam’s Game library, right click on “Kane and Lynch: Dead Men” and select properties, then select the tab called “Local files” and finally click the button labeled “Browse local files”. You’ll now find yourself in the game directory. By trying to execute “kaneandlynch.exe” you’ll get an error message stating that “xlive.dll is missing from your computer”. Thankfully, Steam has already included the necessary libraries inside a folder named XLiveRedist which contains the installer package XLiveRedist01.02.0241.00.msi.