Abandoning the Gutenberg ship

Even though I really enjoy the new Gutenberg experience from a content creator’s point of view, I’ve come to the conclusion that it’s not the right editor for me. My dear Gutenberg, it’s not you, it’s me.

Migrating from LastPass to KeePassXC

I’ve never really felt all that good about storing my passwords on the public cloud, but after we started using LastPass at work I somehow got lulled into adopting it for personal use as well.

Gentoo - Tor stable on amd64

So why is this release noteworthy? Well, I experienced an issue with the previous release (Tor where I was unable to get sandboxing to work due to the following error:

Oh my God, they killed HPKP!

This week Google went ahead and removed support for HTTP Public Key Pinning (HPKP) from Chromium after some initial stumbles. The change was committed and tagged for Chromium 72.0.x and can now be observed by users of Chrome Canary.

Gentoo - ModSecurity 2.9.1 lands in stable on amd64

Gentoo developers recently marked mod_security-2.9.1 and modsecurity-crs 3.0.2 as stable on amd64, thus allowing me to move on from the dormant ModSecurity 2.7.7 release. Good thing I got this update on a Sunday though as it turned out to be more than a simple drop in replacement.

How to add and modify POP or IMAP accounts with Outlook Office 365

Why on earth would there ever be a need to write such an article one might ask? Well, the current Outlook Office 365 version had me puzzled as I was unable to manually configure an IMAP account according to my preferences. Apparently, “set up your account manually” now translates to let Outlook autoconfigure the account.

Gentoo - New slot for PHP 7.2 on amd64

PHP 7.2 just went stable on amd64 providing me with an opportunity to finally migrate away from PHP 7.0. Unlike the PHP 7.1 releases, PHP 7.2 offers significant performance improvements.